Dr. Ip Wing Yuk

Roles Models for Youths:


The Chairperson, Dr. Ip Wing Yuk
  1. The Chairperson of Hong Kong Weightlifting and Powerlifting Association

  2. The Positions
    1. The Category 1 Referee of International Powerlifting Association (IPF)

      Dr. Ip was appointed as the main referee in the International Powerlifting Elite Competition.
    2. The Referee of International Weightlifting Federation
    3. Dr. Ip was selected as the chairperson of Asian Weightlifting Federation Medical Committee in 2011

    4. The Committee Member of International Powerlifting Association Medical Committee (IWF)
    5. The Committee of Hong Kong Sports Federation
    6. Team Coach of Hong Kong Weightlifting and Powerlifting Squad
  3. Results
    1. The Championship, 60KG, Master 1 (age 40 – 49), Asian Bench Press Championships, 12/2008
    2. The Sliver Winner, 60KG, Master 1, International Master Powerlifting Championships, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 10/2009
    3. The Championship, 60KG, Master 1, Asian Bench Press Championships, Philippines, 08/2010
    4. The Sliver Winner, 60KG, Senior group, Asian Powerlifting Championships, Mongolia, 04/2010
    5. The Championship of Female Powerlifter of the year, Hong Kong Powerlifting Championships, 2011
    6. The Best Women Athletes prize awarded in Eight times (HKWPA) and got the award of contribution



    最佳運動員 2011-2012年

    精英教練獎 2012年




  4. The Coach and tutor of the training courses
    1. Guide the students to perform Deadlift

    2. Instruct students to practice Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk)

    3. Accept the invitation of the media to promote the Weightlifting and Powerlifting

    4. Teach the courses to students

      (A) How the athletes reduce the weight
      (B) The right way to use the equipment

  5. In order to promote, contribute in the Powerlifting and encourage more teenagers, the chairperson, Dr. Ip keeps participating in the International and the Asian competitions and awarded

    The Sliver Winner, Master 1, 67.5KG,
    World Master Powerlifting Championships 2010, Czech Republic

    The Championships, Master 1, 60KG,
    Asian Powerlifting Championships, 04/2009
    1. Dr. Ip is 50 years old now (Master 2), the energetic and youthful scene are shown below;

      Someone who wish to maintain a good and healthy body, it is encouraged to join the powerlifting courses held by Hong Kong Weightlifting and Powerlifting Association.
    2. Her Career is the doctor and professor of Orthopaedic Surgeon and she is always polite and nice to everyone. Once she practices, she is always motivated by her energetic personality.

      Practice of Bench Press

      Practice of Squat

      Practice of Deadlift
    3. Lead Hong Kong Powerlifting Team to join the International Asian Championships and got the excellent results.
      1. Awarded the team championships in the Asian Bench Press Championships held by Hong Kong Weightlifting and Powerlifting Association in 2008.

      2. Prizes, 10 Gold, 3 Sliver and 3 Bronze are awarded in the competition of Asian Powerlifting Championships 2000, India
      3. Prizes, 3 Gold, 2 Sliver and 1 Bronze are awarded in the competition of Asian Powerlifting Championships 2010, Mongolia

      4. 2 Gold, 1 Sliver, 1 Bronze are awarded in the Asian Bench Press Competition 2010, Philippines

    4. The Eastern Asian Games, Weightlifting, was mainly held by Hong Kong Weightlifting and Powerlifting Association in 2009
    5. Dr. Ip accepted the certification of appreciation presented by Mr. Tamas Ajan and Mr. Ma Wen Guang of International Weightlifting Federation (IWF)





當上香港舉重健力總會主席職位後,工作之餘還不遺餘力推動舉重和健力運動的發展,親力親為擔任訓練班導師和香港隊教練,培養了一批有潛質的運動員作為總會骨幹,並在亞洲賽屢獲獎牌,直接推動了該運動的發展。今年5月,在葉主席帶領下,本會8位運動員參加了在蒙古(烏倫巴托)舉辦的亞洲健力錦標賽,獲得12面金牌、10面銀牌和4面銅牌,她本人也獲得女子公開組(67.5KG級)4面銀牌,令人欣慰。八月在菲律賓亞洲卧推舉賽香港隊共獲2面金牌、1面銀牌及1面銅牌,創二項香港新紀錄(玉姐獲金牌一面),成績可喜可賀!2009年東亞運動會舉重項目,本會的女子運動員獲得一面銅牌 ;在今年5月星加坡舉重公開錦標賽,本會亦獲得一面金牌和二面銅牌,取得的榮譽和成績足證葉主席的心血並沒有白費。

